Hosting account created
Thank you for choosing Soho Consulting to host your new web site.
If you can see this web page it means that your hosting account has been set up and has started to resolve from its new home. It can take up to 24 hours for everyone on the Internet to see your new site, as many computers around the world need to be updated with your domain name's new information.
Useful links:
Consulting Domain Name Manager
This is where you administer any domains you have registered with Soho Consulting,
change name server addresses, individual contact addresses for domains and renew
domains when due. It will also have a link to a page named 'Hosted domains',
from where you can easily log on to your web control panel, view your web control
panel log on details, and other important administrative details.
web control panel
From here you would generally log on to administer your website. Set up such
things as email pop3 accounts, email forwarders and manage your web files. The
link to use is based on your domain name, and takes the form of
(replace '' with your actual domain name).
Consulting's Support Desk
This page displays any important system news and details of server upgrades
etc., plus a searchable FAQ covering all aspects of the services we provide.
Consulting's contact page
Apart from our 'get help' form in the Domain Name Manager, this page lists our
contact information, such as telephone numbers and postal address.